Parent's Night Out
Art, Yoga & Hula Hooping for the Kids
enjoy an evening out while your children enjoy art, yoga and hula
hooping. Each child will be grouped together to create an age
appropriate creativity project. Then we will do a mini yoga session and
learn some cool hula hoop tricks. Snacks and water will be provided.
Teenage volunteers will be available to assist with activities.
Taught by Robin Norgren
Sept 11, 2015 from 6-8:30pm
Ages 4-10
Sept 11, 2015 from 6-8:30pm
Ages 4-10
Cost $40 per Child; $30 for Each Additional Child (Includes Materials & Snacks)

Art & Creativity Classes for Women
you know that creating Art and engaging in creative activity offers
incredible calming and meditative benefits? Many times the
opportunities, the resources or the time just do not seem to open up for
us to take advantage of this benefit. We here to help get rid of some
the barriers. We lovingly invite you to Create and Share.
Join us for 4 weeks of learning art and mixed media techniques to create on 5x7 flat canvas.
does the sharing come in? Well it is two-fold. This is a time to bring
a friend and have a fun night out making art. AND you will have the
opportunity to create on 2 - 5x7 canvases, one for you to keep and one
for you to gift to a friend, sharing the blessing of heartfelt creating
with others.
What to
expect: We will have a specific project each week you will be
instructed step by step how to create. For the more adventuresome
artist, feel free to come and create your own interpretation of the
project. All supplies are provided.
Taught by Robin Norgren
Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8pm
Sept 1, 8, 15, 22
Cost $100 (Includes $60 for Workshop Series plus $60 Materials Fee)

Creativity and Movement Fall Kid's Camp
For Kids Ages 4-6 or Ages 5-8
The Rocket Ships and Sparkle program offers a unique way of teaching
art technique to children. We work with all types of paint, watercolors,
scrapbook paper and random items we use in our day to day lives. Your
children will be invited to create with high quality paint supplies and
have the opportunity to create paintings and projects that will
nurture their creative voice.
KIDS YOGA: In our kid's classes, we offer yoga, breath work,
relaxation techniques, music, creative movement and sharing time to
promote well being and balance. We incorporate songs, games and books
into our yoga practice to create a fun and lively class while making
sure to incorporate calm and stillness throughout.
Taught by Robin Norgren
Cost $75 per Session (Includes Materials)
Kids Ages 4-6
9-11 am Daily
Session 1: September 28, 29, 30, 2015
Session 2: October 5, 6, 7 2015
limited to 12 for all of the art and creativity classes above. Please
register a week prior to the workshop or camp start date.
Session 3: October 12, 13, 14 2015
Kids Ages 5-8
1-3 pm Daily
Session 1: September 29, 30, October 1, 2015
Session 2: October 6, 7, 8, 2015
Session 3: October 13, 14, 15, 2015