Peppermint Sugar Scrub - A Win Win for your hands and your senses

 Sugar Scrub | Christmas | Whipped Peppermint Sugar Scrub Recipe.  Free printable labels.  Makes a great gift idea. Easy to make with this video tutorial.

As a Montessori teacher, the idea of engaging the senses is everything to me.  I have been looking through some of my old lessons trying to come up with a way to start the new school year once we are back from winter break.  As I went around the internet, I came across this beautiful pic of peppermint red, pink and white.  I want to try this out and then take it to my class.  Maybe you want to try it out too?  I found it on the website called "The Idea Room" - here is the link: CLICK HERE

Make sure you have these items available:

Whipped Peppermint Sugar Scrub
*printable recipe
½ cup coconut oil
¼ cup sugar
¼ cup pink sugar (¼ cup sugar and 1 drop of red food coloring, mixed)
5-6 drops peppermint essential oil