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week feels like we are getting back into the swing of things. Our 100
day celebration was this week and the students had a great time hanging
out with the other three kindergarten classrooms.
We continued working on South America in our micro discussions of
Geography and continued working through what Geography means in our
macro discussions - topics such as how do people live in other parts of
the world. We continued our Forces in Motion discussion
in Physical Science talking about what items roll and also what other
way objects can move (back, forth, up down, zig zag, etc.) We continue
to talk about the difference between fiction/nonfiction/poems and worked
on how to assess the main characters and
the setting of a story. We have begun soft introductions of
multiplication through skip counting and various works in the
classroom. And we are working hard on number writing practice.
HUGE THANK YOU for the fantastic projects that have come in over the
past few weeks for discussion. This by far is the BEST way I have found
to help with peer to peer learning about
the World we live in. NEXT WEEK is the last week to bring in the
projects as we will move on to our next Continent in February in order
to ensure that I am able to at least touch on each one before the
students move to First Grade.
last thing (before I get into the week's activities): One of the
expectations of first grade is that each child has to be able to count
to 100. Will you check with your child and
see if they have mastered this skill yet? If he/she has not, you can
find easy and fun ways to have him/her practice this concept. (1) Have
them count random items like buttons or blueberries, (2) find counting
songs or counting videos for them to watch
are just a few ideas.
-We have math journals that we work in each week that include all concepts we need to master before moving into first grade.
-does it roll science experiment/graph
-write five sentences about the topic 'flowers' and draw a picture to go with the story and label the items in the picture
-create 10 frames (math)
-blue footed booby, finches
-continue to work on South America map
-landmarks: Mount Rushmore, White House, Stature of Liberty
-number writing practice practice booklets
-100 day celebration
-peruvian masks project
-Lincoln Memorial, capital building, Alamo
-sound table/reading
-sort objects by length (math)
-observation table/group projects presentation
-skip counting chains/multiplication
-what is a fiction book? What is the setting of a story?
-alphabetical order
-differences between fiction/non fiction/poems
-using nursery rhymes to identify sight words
-direction things can move
-fill in the missing number/sequence of numbers
-bald eagle/American flag
-people around the world/what are people like who live on different continents
Knuffle Bunny - what is the setting of the story? who are the main
characters? What words would you use to describe the story?
South America ABCs this week: harpy, Inca, jaguar, kinkajou, llama
Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Looking forward to more adventures together next week.
Mrs. Norgren