Photo by Simson Petrol on Unsplash
It’s who you met at the party…
The one person that I didn’t want to see at the party
is here. You shadow me and everywhere I
turn you are at my heels. If I get a
business idea, you have a similar idea and excel at it. If I decided to redesign my aesthetic, you
know someone that tried that and had disastrous results. If I get an opportunity, there are at least
two or three others that you know who have gotten that type of opportunity and
it was a sham. Then somehow through a
crazy series of introductions – some of which I am aware of but didn’t take
seriously – you are now a member of my family.
Married to a dear family member.
And you as lovely as can be. To
everyone else. And of course, I hear
about what a lovely human being you are capable of being.
And unless I become that person who wishes harm on
someone out of desperate need to not have to engage with you…
So I walk up to you.
And I suddenly become enlightened.
The light I saw in your eyes leaves as I walk into your space. And my soul protects itself behind a cement
door. I can’t let you into my heart. Because no matter how much I try to
understand why you choose not let me into yours. And I can no longer muster up the energy to
keep appearances. So I walk away. And I leave you in your space.